Grupo de Investigación en Calidad de Vida y Salud Pública
- Código Colciencias – COL0046021
- Clasificación Minciencias – (Convocatoria 894 de 2021): A1
The Quality of Life and Public Health Research Group belongs to the Center for Research in Health and Psychosocial Sciences and is classified by Colciencias in Category A. It is currently made up of professionals from different academic disciplines, which allows the strengthening of interdisciplinary research processes in the areas of interest of its researchers, thus generating discussion spaces that allow the inclusion of different disciplinary, theoretical and methodological perspectives. Traditionally the work has focused on two areas of Psychology: Clinical Psychology and Health and Neuropsychology, in the last two years has begun to work in the area of Organizational Psychology, Social Psychology, Basic and Superior Psychological Processes and Dynamics of the Pharmaceutical Service; Despite this distinction, our lines of research do not exclusively deal with these fields of psychological work, but on the contrary these lines are broad enough in disciplinary, theoretical and methodological terms to promote interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary work. Although it is true that the group’s core of knowledge is Psychology, the opening of it will allow it to continue working on the understanding and solution of current problems in our society that require different approaches and alternative solutions.
Líneas de investigación
Basic and superior psychological processes
Líder de la línea: Juan Carlos Riveros Rodriguez
The line Basic and higher psychological processes aims to generate knowledge through the identification of the various phylogenetic, biological, and social factors that affect the development of individuals, including cognitive and behavioral changes that live in different circumstances. Also identify the way in which cognitive and behavioral changes can lead to the development of thought processes and dysfunctional behaviors. Consequently, the line seeks to generate basic knowledge about the factors that affect both the psychological development of individuals and their interactions and social relationships.
Health, State and Society
Líder de la línea: Mónica Mojica Perilla
The Health, State and Society research line aims to develop research proposals that take into account both the health and illness conditions of the public and their links with the social, cultural, historical, political and economic dimensions. From the research line, health and illness are assumed as realities that go beyond the level of the merely individual, to include the social, historical, cultural, political and economic dimension, thus establishing a dialectical relationship between these and the health and health processes. disease. Such an approach requires research proposals that take into account both the health and illness conditions of the public and their links with the previously mentioned dimensions. This requires the joint work of professionals from various disciplines and the implementation of varied methodologies, in an attempt to understand health and disease as a collective fact.
Quality of life
Líder de la línea: Martha Ortega Ortiz
This line of research aims to build knowledge about the quality of life variable in different human areas through documentary, exploratory, descriptive and replication studies, focused from a bio-psycho-socio-cultural model, focusing needs and facilitating decision making in relevant variables for the quality of life, which in turn allow promoting and generating intervention strategies in favor of human welfare.
Fechas de creación
01 de enero de 2002
- Adriana Patricia Ramirez Castaño
- Andrés Enrique Zárate Pradilla
- Bernardo Ignacio Useche Aldana
- Francisco Javier León
- Gladys Lucia Arias Chacon
- Juan Carlos Riveros Rodríguez
- Laura Del Pilar Cadena Afanador
- Mario Alberto Rosero Pahi
- Martha Eugenia Ortega Ortiz
- Mónica Mojica Perilla
- Mónica Trinidad Molina Guzmán
- Yamilena Parra Villa