Grupo de Investigación en Violencia, Lenguaje y Estudios Culturales
- Código Colciencias – COL0015259
- Clasificación Minciencias – (Convocatoria 894 de 2021): C
The research group studies psychosocial processes related to the manifestation of aggressiveness and the irruption of violent phenomena that have effects in the subjectivity as well as the social bond. It concentrates its efforts on the construction of interdisciplinary knowledge and theoretical models, which allow the analysis of emerging problematics in the Colombian and Latin American context. As a group oriented by a critical perspective, research is assumed in a strict sense, with methodologies focused on the explanation of psychosocial phenomena, the strengthening of formative research and the social appropriation of knowledge.
Líneas de investigación
Discursive practices
Líder de la línea: Doris Amparo Barreto Osma
This line aims to make contributions to the research processes of psychology and social life, as well as the discussion about human construction of meaning, the other, the place that is given to violence in its daily manifestations, such as the ones that take place at work, and the various ways to establish bonds, from the analysis of the discourses that constitute the practices of contemporary culture.
Psychoanalysis and Culture
Líder de la línea: Carlos Germán Celis Estupiñán
This research line aims to maintain a critical dialogue with the epistemic path opened by Freud and continued by Lacan, taking into account the theoretical and clinical principles of psychoanalytic knowledge; all of this, through the analysis of the effects of the subject’s relationship with the other and culture, as well as the symptomatic forms in which subjectivity expresses its discomfort through language, violence and the body.
Violence, childhood and adolescence
Líder de la línea: Carlos Germán Celis Estupiñán
The line focuses on claiming the recognition of the subject present in a child and a teenager, at a time in which childhood and adolescence tend to be explained by developmental paradigms that reduce them to an age range. The subject present in a child or a teenager is the one that gives an account of the symptoms, the marks that have been left by the encounter with the other, violence, as well as culture, with its imperatives of consumption, that have produced new frailties in children and adolescents, resulting in manifestations of violence against themselves and others.
Fechas de creación
01 de julio de 2000